The world in which we find ourselves is becoming ever more confusing, challenging and uncertain. Many feel a sense of disillusionment and hopelesness, a loss of control, when viewing the future. The rise of the digital system, the advances of AI, open borders, misguided politics, increased drug abuse, wars, famines, the crubling of the traditional family and social norms, civil unrest, pending demographic colapse and of course, climate change. The list seems endless. Where will all of this lead us? Is there anything out there that we can take hold of, some sort of a solid foundational truth that is unchanging and accessible, fair and just? The answer is yes, and it has always been the same answer --the Lord God. This website is about the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit and his wonderful creation based on Intelligent Design. He has provided ample evidence of his existence and this is where we can draw a sense of optimism; certain knowledge that when all of this has passed away, a better future awaits those who know and glorify the one true God.. So take hope, and understand God's good creation and his plan for salvation.